Feb20’s rise and fall : a Moroccan Story Jul17

Feb20’s rise and fall : a Moroccan Story

It started with a sweeping wave of youthful protest, that brought back hope to a country in dire need of it. The autocratic monarchy was first nonplussed, overwhelmed by the sudden "spring". Then it adapted and fought back, gradually regaining the edge. What happened in Morocco in 2011 was a war of position and speed involving underground activists, maverick political groups, and a subtly resilient royal administration. It was also a conflict of generations, pitting twenty-something wholehearted newcomers against old school, wily politicians. This article is a case study of political tactics and stratagems. Major lesson: regardless of the cause, strategy always beats improvisation.

Feb20’s rise and fall : notes Jul17

Feb20’s rise and fal...

1 “Makhzen” is the Arabic word for warehouse. It was originally used to name the treasure chest where Sultans stored the taxes collected from the people. The meaning evolved through history. It first broadened up to mean, symbolically, the content of the chest—i.e., the...