Feb20 Glory Days Jun19

Feb20 Glory Days

Spring 2011: that was the time when Morocco's Feb20 pro-democracy activists were surfing the momentum wave. With the Islamists and leftists all lined-up behind the inspiring, fired-up kids, the monarchy was shaking and serious reform was at sight. Nostalgia...

Window dressing Jun17

Window dressing

On June 17, 2011, Morocco's king Mohammed VI disclosed the details of a Constitutional draft to be voted less two weeks later. The blog's author gave this interview to Al Jazeera English a mere hour after the king's speech, describing the new Constitution as "window dressing".

Subtle dictatorship May09

Subtle dictatorship

"Morocco: From Subtle Autocracy To Subtle Dictatorship." That was the topic of the talk given by the blog's author at the Oslo Freedom Forum in May, 2011. Main point: at first sight, the kingdom of Morocco looks like a fairly democratic regime. But look closer.

9 March off the cuff Mar17

9 March off the cuff

On March 9, 2011, less than 3 weeks after pro-democracy protests started on Feb 20, Morocco's King Mohammed VI made a rare televised adress, announcing a "comprehensive, democratic, constitutional reform". A few days afterwards, the original version of this article appeared on the French daily Le Monde.

Le 9 mars à chaud Mar16

Le 9 mars à chaud

Le 9 mars 2011 (c'est-à-dire moins de 3 semaines après le 20 février), le roi Mohammed VI a fait un discours télévisé qui a pris tous les Marocains de court, annonçant une "réforme constitutionnelle démocratique globale". Cet article a été écrit 3 jours plus tard et publié sur Le Monde le 16 mars.